Support & Industry Symposia Packages

Special Requests

Tailored packages can be arranged to suit your objectives. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your needs.

Sherwin Gentle – Industry & Sales Associate

The benefits below are in addition to those outlined under each individual sponsorship option purchased.




Plenary Sponsored Symposium 90 Min Parallel Sponsored Symposium 90 Min Parallel Sponsored Symposium 90 Min
[Time Slot 1]

Wednesday 12 October 2022, Time 15:00 – 16:30

[Time Slot 2]

Thursday 13 October 2022, Time 12:15 – 13:45

[Time Slots 5, 6]

Friday 14 October 2022, Time 12:15 – 13:45

[Time Slots 3, 4]

Thursday 13 October 2022, Time 19:00 – 20:30

10 Registrations 8 Registrations 3 Registrations
84 SQM Exhibit Space 42 SQM Exhibit Space 36 SQM Exhibit Space
1 Advertisement – Mobile App

1 Mailshot (Exclusive)

1 Push Notification

1 Advertisement – Mobile App

1 Mailshot (Exclusive)

1 Push Notification

1 Advertisement – Mobile App

1 Mailshot (Shared)

1 Push Notification

All other sponsors will be acknowledged as SUPPORTERS.
Companies booking Exhibit Space only will be acknowledged as EXHIBITORS.

Industry Symposia Timetable

  • Wednesday 12 Oct 2022
    Time 15:00 – 16:30 [
    Slot 1]
  • Thursday 13 Oct 2022
    Time 12:15 – 13:45 [Slot 2]
  • Thursday 13 Oct 2022
    Time 19:00 – 20:30 [
    Slot 3 & Slot 4]
  • Friday 14 Oct 2022
    Time 12:15 – 13:45 [
    Slot 5 &  Slot 6]
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