About ESID
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About ESID
The European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) is a non-for-profit association that was created in 1994. ESID has been striving to improve the knowledge in the field of Primary Immunodeficiency (PID) by encouraging research, developing educational programs and fostering cooperation among all those involved in the diagnosis, treatment and management of these diseases.
ESID is organized in seven Working Parties: Clinical, Educational, Genetics, Inborn Errors, Juniors, PID Care in Development, Registry. In order to perform its’ mission ESID organizes several activities such as:
- ESID Biennial Congresses
- ESID Online Education
- ESID Summer School
- Endorsed Activities
- Awards and Grants
- ESID Registry
ESID Mission
ESID believes that every child, adolescent and adult born with a defective immune system has the right to benefit from both clinical and scientific knowledge.
Therefore, our mission is to enable patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases to live their lives to its full potential by improving awareness, diagnosis, treatment, education and understanding of these diseases.
As the leading society in the field, ESID is committed to promote collaboration between healthcare professionals, patient organizations, industry and governmental bodies and to foster education and research.
The ESID motto and theme is: “Together we can change the lives of those affected by PID”.

ESID Board

Isabelle Meyts, Belgium
President (2018-2022)University Hospital Gasthuisberg
Department of Pediatrics UZ Leuven
Isabelle Meyts, Belgium
President (2018-2022)
Fabio Candotti, Switzerland
President-ElectProfesseur Associé - Médecin Adjoint
Service d'immunologie et d'allergie - Département de Médecine
Fabio Candotti, Switzerland
Eleonora Gambineri, Italy
Secretary (2020-2024)Eleonora Gambineri, Italy
Secretary (2020-2024)
Stefano Volpi, Italy
Treasurer (2020-2024)Stefano Volpi, Italy
Treasurer (2020-2024)
Prof. Despina Moshous, France
Chairperson WP Education (2018-2022)Unité d`Immunologie, Hématologie et Rhumatologie Pédiatriques
Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades
Prof. Despina Moshous, France
Chairperson WP Education (2018-2022)
Dr. Anne Puel, France
Chairperson WP Genetics (2018-2022)Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases
Necker Branch, INSERM UMR 1163, Necker Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Anne Puel, France
Chairperson WP Genetics (2018-2022)
Dr. Clara Franco, Spain
Chairperson WP Junior (2018-2022)Immunology Department
Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron
Dr. Clara Franco, Spain
Chairperson WP Junior (2018-2022)
Dr. João Farela Neves, Portugal
Chairperson WP PID Care in Development (2018-2022)Infectious Diseases Unit
Primary Immunodeficiencies Unit
Clinical Immunology Working Party
Hospital Dona Estefania, Pediatric University Hospital
Dr. João Farela Neves, Portugal
Chairperson WP PID Care in Development (2018-2022)
Prof. Mikko Seppänen, Finland
Chairperson WP Registry (2018-2022)Helsinki University Hospital and University of Helsinki
Rare Disease Center, Helsinki University Hospital
Prof. Mikko Seppänen, Finland
Chairperson WP Registry (2018-2022)
Siobhán Burns, United Kingdom
Chairperson WP Clinical (2020-2024)Siobhán Burns, United Kingdom
Chairperson WP Clinical (2020-2024)